Saturday 23 January 2016

[Smoothies] [Food & Recipe] A week of Smoothies & Lame Joke


Been doing this religiously for the past two weeks. I have this small Philips blender I bought purposely for this. Since its existence tho, for the ease of handling and cleaning, I also blend eggs (why whisk when you can blend?), sometimes bahan-bahan for masak lemak (why the hassle of normal sized blender when the smaller one can serve the same exact purpose?). And the list goes on.

A good juicer is out of question now that I will be pay-less for the coming nine months. But, if my tabung ayam penuh later on, I want something red. So it can sit side by side with the red mixer.

It's a purple week obviously. Nak abiskan dragonfruit si Adam punya beriya nak beli. Last-last tak nak makan. Takkan nak buang kan. Mak jugak la in the end habiskan.
I remember the other day I told Kakak a lame joke about being mother.

"A mother always does things her children cannot do. Like finishing the food her children cannot finish"
Actually I made that up.
I found that funny.
But my husband didn't.
Perhaps I've been doing too much of what my children cannot do.
In that very sense - habihkan makanan depa yang tak habih.

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