Tuesday 19 January 2016

[Rambling] [Thoughts] Calon UPSR 2016

Sedang dalam mood memotivasikan diri berkaitan hal anak-anak dan kanak-kanak.
So bear with me.
Last Saturday ada taklimat untuk ibubapa pelajar tahun 6. Ibu dan bapa kepada calon-calon UPSR 2016, yang mana batch pertama KSSR yang menduduki UPSR dannnn juga batch pertama yang berdepan dengan perubahan format peperiksaan UPSR.

Just wow!
As if there's no tomorrow.
The drama of those born in 2004 have to face.
Now, back to the taklimat.
First and foremost, as far as I know, not all schools conduct tuition. It is a paid initiatives here at my son's school but comparatively very cheap to outside tuition centers. Held on weeknights, 4 nights in a week. I, personally would rather curl up in the comfort of my home than having to go out and teach 8 - 10 pm. Things the teachers do for their students. Hats off to them.
And not just that, they even have Saturday tuition class.

Apart from the usual sharing of study plans, timelines, expectations, some vital statistics - the school plans to have monthly solat hajat, weekly Yassin recitation, some slots for motivational talks and even kismis will be dispensed every morning for the students. We all know that these are in line with Islamic teachings and encouragement.
And I especially like what the Guru Besar has to say. Well, in fact, kami pon kena tazkirah jugak hari tu he he.
  1. We were reminded to let them children be children, usah nafikan hak anak-anak kita menjadi kanak-kanak. Dalam keghairahan kita mahu sebanyak-banyak A, berilah mereka ruang menjadi kanak-kanak.
  2. We were reminded that parents are the best role models (he was relating of cases students sampai lambat sebab parents lambat hantar).
  3. We were reminded let the children own up to their success (he was relating events where parents request anak-anak dikekalkan di kelas hadapan when in fact anak turun kelas).
He, reminded me of my Pengetua(Al-fatihah to Pn. Khadijah Abdul Karim - moga Allah mencucuri rahmat kepada beliau)  during my years in STF. The kind that when speaks up, you can feel the aura. The kind that is a teacher and a mother/father figure all at the same time.

As I mentioned, saya baca artikel ni di fb. I screenshot this. Tapi tak termasuk pula nama penulisnya. Ribuan ampun dan maaf. I typed the quote on gamba Iman, circa 2008 when he was 4. He was still non-verbal around this time.
 Moga Allah permudahkan perjalanan hidup anak-anak kita menjadi muslim dan muslimah terbaik.


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