Thursday 18 February 2016

[Ramblings] [Food & Recipe] Too Much Love & Bubur Jagung

Peace be upon you.

Kids are either unwell or lethargic these days. Husband asked if too much love can make one sick :-)  Maybe Ummi should go back to work. All geleng kepala.
Kids! Please remember that this is only temporary.
I blame it on the hot weather and for the insufficient plain water my kids take. And that is partly my fault. A mom sure has a lot on her plate.
Anyway, last weekend beli jagung. Cadangnya nak buat bubur. Well, my plan did took off but very-very much later. Semalam baru lah jagung sudah menjadi bubur he he.  

[1]   3 tongkol jagung
[2]   1 keping nisan kelapa
[3]   2 sudu besar gula
[4]   1 sudu teh garam
[5]   200 ml santan (saya guna santan kotak)
[6]   1 helai daun pandan
[7]   2 sudu besar sagu

-   Hiris isi jagung dari tongkolnya. Masukkan dalam periuk.
-   Masukkan tiga cawan gelas air ke dalam periuk berisi jagung. Masukkan juga nisan kelapa dan sagu dan daun pandan.
-   Masak di atas api sederhana hingga mendidih. Biarkan mendidih kira-kira 10 minit atau sagu separa jernih.
-   Perisakan dengan gula dan garam.
-   Masukkan santan. Didihkan kira-kira 5 hingga 10 minit. Sentiasa kacau supaya tidak berketul dan pecah minyak.
-   Sedap dimakan panas atau sejuk.
Mine was a little starchy and thick from the sagu. I am okay with that as I can make lollies out of the leftover later.
Salt in bubur manis will enhance the flavour and so the bubur will not taste plain sweet.
Ah Boi loves this. He normally drink hot chocolate every night after coming back from tuition. He gave an exception last night and ate this instead.
So that is our dessert for the week. I told kids that I am only going to make a cake or jelly or bubur on weekly basis. Let's see how long we will stick to this ;-)

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